Privacy Policy

We strive for a high level of data protection and protect your privacy. This privacy policy documents the personal data we collect and manage. It is important that you understand and understand this privacy policy.

About personal data

In this document, we use the term “personal data” to describe information that can directly or indirectly identify you as a physical person. Processing of personal data includes everything that happens with your personal data.

Who is the controller of your personal data?

The Swedish company, Behrens Group AB, company registration number 556689-0314, Viktoriagatan 4, 25240 Helsingborg, Sweden, is the controller of the personal data you submit to us and responsible for your personal data under applicable data protection law.

What personal data do we collect and process?

Purpose Categories of personal data
To handle purchases.
  • Name
  • Address
  • IP address
  • E-mail address
  • Phone number
  • Ordering information
  • Payment history
  • Payment information
  • Login credentials

We use your personal data to handle your purchase on this site by processing your orders and returns through our online services and sending you delivery status notices or in case of delivery issues with your order.

We use your personal data to manage your payments.

We also use your personal data to handle complaints and warranty issues regarding products.

Your personal data is used to identify you and to confirm that you have the statutory minimum age to conduct online purchases and to confirm your address with external partners.

We want to offer you different payment options and will analyze what payment options are available to you, as well as your payment history and credit controls.

Legal basis

Completion of purchase agreement. In order to fulfill the purchase agreement, these personal data are required. If personal data are not disclosed, the commitment cannot be completed and your purchase cannot be completed.

Retention period

For 36 months from the date of purchase (including delivery and payment).

Purpose Categories of personal data
To fulfill the company's legal obligations.
  • Name
  • Address
  • Order number
  • Invoice number
  • Order information
  • Payment information

We use your personal data to comply with laws and government decisions.

It includes using your personal data to collect and check accounting information to comply with the accounting policies.

Legal basis

Legal obligation. Collection of your personal data is required by law. If the information is not provided, our legal obligation cannot be met and we are therefore forced to refuse your purchase.

Retention period

For 7 years from the date of purchase (including delivery and payment).

Purpose Categories of personal data
To develop and evaluate our products, services and systems for our customers.
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Delivery address
  • Order information
  • User generated data

We use your personal data to evaluate, develop and improve our services, products and systems for all our customers. For this purpose, we do not analyze your individual data, but all processing is done on an aggregated level of anonymous or pseudonymized data.

It includes analyzes to make our services more user-friendly, such as customizing the user interface to facilitate the flow of information or to highlight features commonly used by our customers in our digital channels and to improve IT systems in order to increase the security of our visitors and customers in general.

We use your personal data to improve our product range.

Legal basis

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary to meet our and your legitimate interest in developing and evaluating our products, services and systems.

Retention period

For 36 months from collection.

Purpose Categories of personal data
To present product reviews and share customer reviews about our products and services.
  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Order number

We use your personal data to evaluate, develop and improve our services, products and systems for all our customers.

We also your personal data to present your recession to other customers on this site.

Legal basis

Consent. The treatment is legitimate if you have previously given your consent.

Retention period

Deleted immediately upon withdrawal of the consent, alternatively upon request.

Purpose Categories of personal data
To handle customer service issues.
  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Address
  • Order number
  • Invoice number
  • Order information
  • Payment information

We use your personal data to handle requests from you, handle complaints and product warranty issues, as well as technical support via email.

We can also contact you if we have any questions regarding your order.

Legal basis

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary to meet our and your legitimate interest in handling customer service issues.

Retention period

For 36 months from the initiation of the customer service case.

Purpose Categories of personal data
To inform about new products and offers.
  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Language
  • Country
  • Order history

We use your personal data to send you promotional offers and information surveys via email.

To optimize your experience, we provide you with relevant information, recommend products and send personalized offers. These services are based on your previous purchases, what you have clicked on and data you have shared with us.

Legal basis

Consent or legitimate interest. The processing is legitimate if you have previously given your consent. If you are or have been a customer of ours, your personal data is processed based on a balancing of interests between your interests and our legitimate interest in marketing our products or services.

Retention period

Deleted immediately upon withdrawal of the consent, alternatively upon request.

Disclosure of personal data

Your personal data may be shared with companies and partners such as, for example, carriers, payment solutions, marketing and IT services. The sharing of your personal data is only for purposes that are consistent with the purposes defined above and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. When disclosing personal data, this is done to parties who are either personally responsible or where there are personal data processing agreements that ensure that your personal data are protected. When your personal data is shared with a party who is a data controller then that party’s privacy policy applies.

We will never sell your personal data to third parties.

Protection and storage of personal data

We aim to store all personal data in an as secure way as possible. All communication between our web server and your browser is encrypted to protect the collection of your personal data. Only authorized personnel have access to your personal data.

We and our partners only store the majority your personal data within the EU / EEA. In cases where personal data are processed outside the EU / EEA, either a decision by the EU Commission that the country in question ensures an adequate level of protection or appropriate safeguards, in the form of standard contractual clauses, binding company internal rules or Privacy Shield, which ensures that your rights are protected.

Your rights

As a registered person, you are entitled to request registry extracts to access the personal data that is registered about you. The personal data is provided in the form of a register extract with specification of purpose, categories of personal data, categories of recipients, storage periods, information about where the information has been collected and the existence of automated decision making. Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to obtain this information in a structured format (data portability).

We strive for your personal data to be accurate and up to date. If any required personal data needs to be updated, you are entitled to request a correction. Under certain conditions, you are entitled to request the deletion or restriction of your personal data. You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data.

Your personal data will not be processed for direct marketing unless you oppose this. If you previously consented to this, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us.


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If you would like to contact us regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact us by email:: [email protected]


We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time in order to fulfill our obligations and legal requirements. The latest version of the Privacy Policy will always be available on this site.